Guide in Red Sweatshirt Finds Cell Service in the Andes Mountains

Inca Trail, Peru

We hadn't had cell phone service of any kind since we embarked. It was Day 3 of our hike through the Andes to MACHU PICCHU, and our guide had hiked the Inca Trail so many times that he knew the exact spot on this entire trek that he could get cell phone service. He said he wasn't sure why or how, but long ago he learned that if he sat on this one rock, high in the mountains, he was able to call home to his wife and kids. He told us the service was so consistent that they even expected it, would be worried if he didn't check in.

I'm not sure who his provider was, but for the record, my cell phone did absolutely nothing on that rock, it remained just as unresponsive and useless as it had been for the entirety of the Inca trail.


If you think you can handle it, come hop on the Highway to the Danger Diarrhea Zone with me HERE!

Or, read about Glamping: A Dangerous Gateway Drug, HERE!

The view of the Andes Mountains from my tent on the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu.
The view of the Andes Mountains from my tent on the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu.